Working with t-code BD87 to process IDocs
By Imran, Mohammad January 31, 2022 under SAP ECC/S4HANA
Execute idoc using BD87 is helpfull when your IDoc's partner profile is set to backgound because you don't want to process your IDocs immediately.
BD87 helps process your IDocs or you want to re-process you failed IDoc. It can group the IDocs based on Statuses of the IDocs by error messages so that you can easly navigate
through the IDocs, analyse or reprocess.
Run a t-code called BD87 and enter the details as below.
- Message Type - It is important to note that you are entering Message Type otherwise you will end up having a lot of IDocs listed, other objects too.
- Changed On - Enter date and time to fetch IDocs for certain time period.
- IDoc Number - Enter IDoc number you have it then other filter criterias are not required.
- IDoc status - Put this filter if you want to fetch only certain IDocs with certain Statuses.
Now, in the next screen you have the list of the IDocs grouped by status. You can anaylse the error and re-process.
- Now, select the IDoc you want to process and click on the Process button.
Modify the data from an IDoc
You processed an IDoc and it got failed with status 51, you came to know after analysing that IDoc has a data issue, you want to modify the data and reprocess the same IDoc. We can do it just Open the IDoc in BD87 or WE02. If opened in BD87 as below then double click on the IDoc.
It will open as below. Double click on the IDoc number.
Your IDoc will be opened with data records. This where the WE02 will open if you are using the t-code WE02 instead of BD87.
- Navigate to Segment where you want to change the data. In my case I have to change in the segment E1MARCM and field is BESKZ from F to E which was causing an issue.
- Double click on white page hightlighted with red circle.
Your segment with all the fields and values will be opened.
- From the Data Record menu bar come to change mode.
- Look for the field you wanted to change.
- Click save and come back.
You will notice that IDoc turned to status 68 which means IDoc is modified. Right Click on the IDoc and process.